Bakemonogatari Ep. 4

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Gushy McGush here, ready to get excited about Bakemonogatari!?

Well actually not a lot is happening in this episode, it seems the solution to the lost loli’s problem will be forthcoming next week. Sadly, a lot of Bakemonogatari’s charm is in the wordplay, both the dialogue and the many references to different reading of kanji that is likely to zoom right over the heads of anyone who isn’t a native speaker (or require lengthy explanations that dull the effect). It can still be fun to watch, and the show’s visuals are still amazing, but it’s annoying to realize that you’re not really getting the full experience. The new OP and ED are very entertaining though, and it seems we’ll be getting a fresh OP for each arc as this one is specifically about Hachikuji. By the way, expect rave reviews from previously disinterested bloggers who will be getting hot and bothered about the grade school-aged character and her cutesy antics. Comes with the territory I guess.

(By the way, sorry to the people in the comments section of the Aoi Hana entry, I promise I’m not ignoring you, just a little busy today. You should hear back from me later tonight or tomorrow.)

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